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Tennant R14 Dual Technology Rider Carpet Cleaner-1032125 Brake Pedal & Accelerator Pedal Group (S/N SEPT2012- ) Parts 

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Tennant R14 Dual Technology Rider Carpet Cleaner-1032125 Brake Pedal & Accelerator Pedal Group (S/N SEPT2012- ) Parts
# Image Product code Product name

067VS-1072477 PEDAL ASSY, ACCELERATOR, BRAKE (SN: 041153 - )

067VS-1058687 VR, SENSOR, POSITION [HALL] (SN: 10508137 - )

067VS-1031716 SPRING, EXTN, 0.50OD 0.07WIR 03.0L (SN: 10508137 - )

067VS-1061049 VR, SPRING, EXTN, 0.35OD 0.05WIR 02.8L (SN: 10508137 - )

067VS-1072478 VR, PEDAL, FOOT, W/ TREAD (SN: 041153 - )

067VS-9740 SCREW, HEX, M8 X 1.25 X 20, SS (SN: 000000 - )

067VS-1685 WASHER, FLAT, 0.38B 0.88D .08, SS (SN: 000000 - )

067VS-41141 WASHER, LOCK, INT-EXT, 0.31 (SN: 000000 - )


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